Friday, February 26, 2010

I would like to build a new house where I currently live, but my job may require me to move in another year.?

Should I build my house out of Legos?I would like to build a new house where I currently live, but my job may require me to move in another year.?
I didn't realize that taking the wheels off of your trailer was such a sign of putting down roots in the community. You really have surprised me.

I would say build a lego extension on your current dwelling that way when you put it on the market, it will be easily adapted to the new owner's or potential new owner's tastes.

I think any way you do it will be fine. My sister just added on to their house in Boise due to the cost of new homes there.I would like to build a new house where I currently live, but my job may require me to move in another year.?
No make a huge sand castle.
Legos would be you have a wagon big enough to haul all the Legos in one load?..If not, I'd be looking for a larger wagon..dismantling and rebuilding is not easy but, it looks as if you'll have no choice.

When you're ready to do all this,,,give PandS a notice''help will be on the way..
That....or build it on wheels.
No, build it out of Eggos. That way you can eat your home before you have another bowel move, since your job requires that. Make a big move, but don't wait a year. Constipation is bad for your health.

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