Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Will Nancy Pelosi end up getting kicked out as the new house speaker by her fellow Democrats?

This woman is a national disgrace. She has already tried to get John Murtha to be her 2nd in command of the US House and failed miserably. John Murtha has been in serious trouble before for accepting bribes from lobbyists in a very big way. Now she is pushing hard to get Al Cee Hastings to be head of the Intelligence Committee. This clown was once impeached as a Federal Judge back in 1983 for accepting bribes to fix cases. Don't you love it when Nancy Pelosi blames Republicans for being a culture of corruption? I think if Nancy Pelosi keeps playing games she will find herself out of her dream job as Speaker of the House.Will Nancy Pelosi end up getting kicked out as the new house speaker by her fellow Democrats?
I can't stand those women from California. They are career politicians and its time for people to do duty, leave and get back to the real world.

But yeah, I'm a democrat and she freaks me out. That meeting with Bush, I believe she sucked some of his blood out.Will Nancy Pelosi end up getting kicked out as the new house speaker by her fellow Democrats?
Such a rebellion will only undermine her power as arguably the third most powerful person in the U.S. Yes She supported Murtha - a bad decision but you would've expected the Democrats will have supported Murtha for that reason alone (and of course not to look like a bunch of idiots who don't know what they're doing with their newfound powers) but surprise, surprise... they're feeling a bit rebellious. So anything is possible. And wouldn't you know, most of the new freshmen in the House are conservative...
Highly unlikely
only if they grow some nards.
Not if the ';family values'; crowd has anything to say about it...she's been married to the same man for 44 years.
ok all you clowns voted for change......

now you got it!!!
I doubt it. She has too many friends in Congress, and I won't mention the sleaze factor.
Nope, Democrats are more corrupt than Republicans
Pat attention to the news, she already did.
Yes, she thinks she can clean house with dirty mops.

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